Al-Azhar Indonesian Martial Arts will hold its 1st term promotional belt test for 2011. It is the school’s tradition that all promotional belt tests are taken outdoors; i.e. mountains, beaches, or parks. Below is the general information for the test:
Date: Saturday, April 20th – Sunday, April 21st 2011
Time: 8am-6:30pm (Saturday); 8am-1:30pm(Sunday)
Fee: $95.00 per student
($170 for two children, $250 for three children – in the same family. Senior Student Discount 50% off – Please make checks payable to “Al-Azhar Silat VA, LLC”)
Place: Claude Moore Park (Across from Maries Road, entrance with no traffic light. Look for Nature Center)
21544 Old Vestals Gap Road
Sterling, VA 20164-9202
Download the Sign-Up form Here:
Spring 2011 Promotional Belt Test