Alhamdulillaah, it's really touching our heart when we see some of our young generations (Silat students) are now able to come early in the morning for Fajr prayers at their very young age at ADAMS Ctr masjid.

Photos from Terra Kurnia's post in IMAAM
Alhamdulilllaah ...terasa ada kebahagiaan tersendiri kalau lihat jemaah Subuh di masjid, lumayan ada generasi mudanya.
Alhamdulillaah, it's really touching our heart when we see some of our young generations (Silat students) are now able to come early in the morning for Fajr prayers at their very young age at ADAMS Ctr masjid.

Photos from Terra Kurnia's post in IMAAM
Alhamdulilllaah ...terasa ada kebahagiaan tersendiri kalau lihat jemaah Subuh di masjid, lumayan ada generasi mudanya.
Sunday's Discipline, Cardio, Coordination, techniques, etc Practice :D
Alhamdulilllaah, gaining more students. Our school is growing up...
Wednesday's practice