2013 Worldgate Tournament Video!! Great work Afrah, Abduh, Lehareen, Farheen, Sakina, Marwan, Zadran, Hamdan, Julia, Kak Terra, Yaseen, Areeb, Hameem and "Coach" Tariq for working hard at the tournament! You performed well and helped encourage the other students, I am proud of all of you.

2013 Worldgate Tournament
Alhamdulilllaah, another great success at our yearly Family Fun Night. Thank you to all students, instructors, ADAMS community members, and parents for your sincere dua, hard work, practice, and great support.ADAMS Center Silat Demo!
Upper belt training while the weather is still nice!
Discipline game.
Alhamdulilllaah, another great success at our yearly Family Fun Night this evening. Thank you to all students, Instructors, ADAMS community, and parents for your usual sincere dua, hard works, practices, and great support ! Jzk