Al-Azhar Indonesian Martial Arts will hold its 1st term promotional belt test for year 2010. It is our school’s tradition that all promotional belt tests are taken outdoors; i.e . mountains, beaches, or parks. This year’s test for ages 12 and under will be held at Claude Moore park in [ Read More ]
Al-Azhar Indonesian Martial Arts will be holding its 1st term promotional belt test for 2010 ages 12 and under. It is the school’s tradition that all promotional belt tests are taken outdoors; i.e . mountains, beaches, or parks.
Al-Azhar Indonesian Martial Arts held its 1st term promotional belt test for 2010. It is the school’s tradition that all promotional belt tests are taken outdoors; i.e . mountains, beaches, or parks. This year’s test for ages 12 and up (except blue belt Hamza Ahmad who is eight) at Cunningham [ Read More ]