Mobile Uploads
Alhamdulilllaah, our new Chantilly's branch is growing. Full class last night !
More preparation for the tournament this weekend.

Reviewing techniques of "Jurus Satu" (forms) for the upcoming World Champion Martial Arts Organization tournament next Saturday, Jan 18 '14. Good luck, Sayan !

We now have the Satria Muda App available for Android. Its free - download it and give us your feedback so we can make it even better!

Satria Muda - Android Apps on Google Play
This app features the techniques of the Satria Muda or "Little Warrior" martial arts program. It includes all of the basic moves that will be developed in la...
A parent was honoring one of our potential new student who has just passed her test to earn her brand new and fresh Silat uniform. Congratulations for being as a 'Lil Warrior (and a Martial Artist too). Hormat (Respect ) !